Secret Key Combos for Forward Delete on small Mac keyboards

Traditionally, extended keyboards with the numeric pad on the side come with a Forward Delete key that, when you press it, deletes characters to the right ⇨ of the text cursor, unlike the main Delete key, which deletes to the left ⇦ of the text cursor (known as “backspace” on PC keyboards). Forward Delete still exists on Apple’s Magic Keyboard with Numeric Keypad, but it’s missing from the Magic Keyboard and all MacBook keyboards. If you like using Forward Delete (and well you should!), the secret key combinations that work for any Apple keyboard that lacks it are fn-Delete and Control-D. You’ll find the fn key in the lower-left corner of your keyboard, not to be confused with the function keys across the top.

Bonus tip: In most apps, you can also hold Option to delete a whole word at a time. So that’s Option-Delete to delete left and Option-fn-Delete to delete to the right.

(Featured image by Adam Engst)